30th Class Reunion Part II - The Place, November 30, 2002


Randy Vair, originator of Reunion part II and Judy Van | Barb R,Brad P, Pam Bauer, Judy Van | Gary K and Barb Reynolds and Pam Bauer in the rear | Harvey (open those eyes!) and Jimmy DePaepe | Pennie West, Judy VanDevelde | Renee Smith and Donny Baker at the bar! | Judy V and Jimmy DePaepe | Harvey and Judy | Harv,Karen Baker, Kathy Lindsay and Randy Vair's back | Not too clear but it's Harvey&Sister-in-law Cheryl Schwing | Barb Reynolds and Harvey Smeatin | Rick Hyman and Kathy Lindsay (sister) | Kathy Lindsay with Harv, Karen Baker and Randy Vair | Rick Hyman, Kathy Lindsay, Moose Nolan | Barb and Judy, hard working reunion committee members! | Mr. and Mrs. Donny Baker(Karen) | Donny Baker and lovely sister, Kathy | Harvey with "new" teeth, Don Baker and Gary K | Judy, Neill Nichols, half of Moose and Don Baker | Pennie West with tongue out, Cheryl Schwing | Rick Hyman, Brad Persyns..are your eyes open, Brad???
Harvey with "new" teeth, Don Baker and Gary K


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